Thursday, February 12, 2009

Budget Summary

Think about today's class. What did you learn about budgeting money? Why might this information be important? Have you ever learned about this from someone at home?

Please use complete sentences when posting on this website. And always, make sure what you put on here is classroom appropriate.


  1. hallo... i didn't learn anything new. to many times in this class. so yeah comment back

  2. To everyone

    The last two classes I learned about Budgets and percentages. This in formation is important because it will help us to be responsible.

  3. Today in class I remembered to convert percentages into real numbers. I think this information is important because we will use this information in the future for bills and taxes. No, I have not learned this from anyone at home.

  4. i learned that going from percent to a real number you go to the left twice and going from a real number to a percent you go to right twice...which i already knew because i might have listened in the third grade.

  5. I am not trying to lie, this is my 3rd time in the class so I already know all of this stuff, and math straight up comes naturally to me. Also I have a job and budget my money so this is all just review.

  6. we learned to plan a budget because if you don't plan then you will end up spending more money then you make or you will end up at the end of the month with no money to pay your self first

  7. last class i learned about budgets and this class i learned about percentage. Now i know saving money is important. it is good to make a budget so you don't end up living pay check to pay check

  8. i've learned learned a bit in budgeting my money but im still confused in some stuff like precentages.

    Bu i know that once i learned it it will come in handy for the feuture with bills and all that.

  9. I learned what budging means and gross income, net income, taxes, P.Y.F, Fixed expense, variable expense and periodic/occasional expenses. Is going to be helpful in the future when i start working and have a house.

  10. i learned about budging and its going to help me in the future and i learned vocab so i can study them and know what they mean

  11. i learned about budgets and some cool new vocab words to go along in my dictionary.

  12. i didnt learn anything important that I Should know

  13. To whoever,

    I already n
    know how to convert percents and real numbers so it was easy. Last class I learned about budgets and some vocab words.


    I love Branden and Sophia =]

  14. I already learned ow convert real numbers and percentages in 5th Grade. Math is so easy for me. This is my second time retaking this class.

  15. i learned math in pace 2 awesome!!!!!!!!!

  16. I have learned a lot of important things theses classes.....i have learned about budging and new vocabulary!!

  17. ay i have had the highest score in my math classes my eighth and ninth grade year this year i didn'tdo as well i had a "B+" in my geometry class

  18. I learned some new vocab words so that will help me, plus i learned how to convert numbers to percents.

  19. i learned alot in these last few days. i learned the most though from our vocab words

  20. i learned about very important things and how to budget and come cool stuff.I learned some new vocab that i would probably need in life later. in these few days i have learned a lot in this class.

  21. I learned that making a budget will help you succeed more than without one. It also helps you become responsible and how to spend money more wisely.

  22. §I'm re-learning math. I am starting to like this class, but I think that you should make the tests more easy.§ :-)

  23. i learned how to convert numbers into percentages and percentages into numbers..cuz i forgot already lol..

  24. i learned today in class to change decimals to percentages and percentages in to decimals.

  25. I learned nothing, I knew all of this already. This is important stuff so you know how to budget your money in the future. My mom taught me all this two years ago when I started babysitting for my neighbors all summer.

  26. Pretty much I knew that stuff how to turn a real numbers in to a decimal or to a precentage. But i learned a lot of vocabulary words.
